Two good friends Miss Chikaima Egejuru 12years and Miss Chizaram Ukadike break record ,joins the league of youngest author and owners of their own intelectual properties duely registered with ISBN in Nigeria .

Chikaima Egejuru a JSS2 student of Bethel Gemini School Ogba Ikeja Lagos authored Losses of Distractions while Chizaram authored Do not spoil the child, is a student of Seal Foundation School Okeira Ogba Ikeja Lagos .
The Coordinator of CCRN in Our lady of Holy Rosary Cath Church Ogba Mr Ambrose Irabor while presenting the books to some members of the church encourages parents to emulate good virtues and pray for the kids during a church programe held on 19th Dec 2024.He prayed for Gods blessings upon the authors and every child .
In the book LOSSES OF DISTRACTIONS according to Miss Chikaima “my book is educative and informative and targeted to students and parents .It also addreses some habits associated with modern day drivers and the knowledge if applied will cut down the level of domestic and road accidents .”
The book also ,delves into the topic of distractions in our lives and provides guidance on overcoming them. We all have our own destinations and goals in life, but often, the biggest obstacle in achieving them is distraction.
Throughout the book, you’ll find numerous instances of distractions and practical strategies for avoiding them. Whether it’s staying focused on your studies, work, relationships, or personal growth, this book offers valuable insights to help you navigate distractions, negative influences and stay on track towards your goals.
The book comes with questions for school children ,it can be used as a resource materials for schools and road safety organisations .”
DO NOT SPOIL THE CHILD is a book published by Chizaram Ukadike
The book addresses matters of relationship between parents and children .
It is a clarion call by a little child ,the title sounds like a warning which means if you go contrary to the topic one may face regret ,so for parents not to regret over their child ,the book is a must read.
Good for schools ,parents and children .
Both authors came from different homes but shares same vision .
They have promised to use writing to address many issues in the society
They are good presenters and motivational speakers .
Hubbies includes dancing ,writing ,story telling etc.
May God bless you all as you pick copies for yourself and friends,amen.
We call on Road Safety Officials ,Schools to look into these books because of the contents and also call on government ,individuals and companies to come to the aid of these kids so as to support the publications .
The mentor of these kids Evang Kenneth Egejuru expresses his excitement over the milestone achievements by the little kids .
He said more other four young authors will be unveiled b4 the first quarter of next year.
For sponsorships and more copies,
they both can be reached through
Or 08166775049. /+234 803 291 2934