Popular Yoruba actress, Alao, has announced the heartbreaking news of her mother’s passing. The Canadian-based film star shared the news on Friday via her Instagram page, accompanied by emotional tributes and photos of her late mother, including cherished moments they shared together.
Alao, 55, paid a heartfelt tribute to her mother, writing:
“Rest In perfect peace my beautiful mom. My beloved mom…you will forever be missed by every one of us. We love you, but God loves you more. Rest in perfect peace, my love.”
The announcement has drawn an outpouring of condolences from her colleagues in the Yoruba film industry, including Iyabo Ojo, Jumoke George, and Tawa Ajisefini, who expressed their sympathies for her loss.
Alao, who began her career as an air hostess before transitioning to acting, gained prominence through the Nigerian television series Ripples. She has since featured in several notable films, including Alaanu Mi, Dokita Alabere, Ewe Koko, and Gbokogboko.
Earlier this year, Alao opened up about the challenges of relocating to Canada. She revealed that she once worked as a caregiver and faced a difficult experience when a dementia patient slapped her. The incident led her to quit caregiving and start a clothing business, encouraging others to acquire skills before moving abroad.
Fans and colleagues continue to console the actress during this difficult time, celebrating her mother’s life and legacy.